
斯蒂格勒 | 在人类纪阅读马克思和海德格尔:自动化社会中的心灵的功能



贝尔纳·斯蒂格勒 著

张福公 译









With the advent of reticular reading and writing, via globally accessible networks that use those web technologies that began to be implemented around 1993, digital technologies have led hyper-industrial societies towards a new stage of proletarianization. In this new stage, the hyper-industrial age turned into an era of systemic stupidity.


Across networks of tele-action (and tele-objectivity), production centres can be de-localized, huge markets can be formed, and then remotely controlled, industrial capitalism and financial capitalism can be structurally separated, electronic financial markets can be continuously interconnected, directing in real time the automatisms that are derived from the application of mathematics to the “finance industry.” Processes of automated decision making can then be functionally tied to the drive-based automatisms that control consumer markets—initially through the mediation of the mass media, and, today, through the industry of traces that is also known as the data economy (that is, the economy of personal data).


Digital automata have succeeded in bypassing the deliberative functions of the mind, and a systemic stupidity has been established between consumers and speculators, functionally based in the drives, and pitting each against the other this goes well beyond what Mats Alvesson and André Spicer have called “functional stupidity”.




In the last few years, however, and specifically after 2008, a state of generalized stupefaction seems to have arisen that accompanies this systemic bêtise, this functional stupidity.


The resulting stupor is caused by the most recent series of technological shocks that emerged from the digital turn of 1993, that is, with the web—and not only with the internet. The revelation of these shocks, and of their major features and consequences, has brought about a state that is almost literally that of being stunned—in particular in the face of the “four horsemen of the Apocalypse” (Google, Apple, Facebook and Amazon), and who appear literally to be disintegrating those industrial societies that emerged from the Aufklärung.


One result has been what, at a public meeting of Ars Industrialis in Paris, we have referred to as “net blues”, suffered by those who had believed or do believe in the promises of the digital era (including my friends at Ars Industrialis and myself).

斯蒂格勒使用“网络蓝调(net blues, le blues du Net)”这一概念是为了指认在数字化时代中网络技术的药理学特质。斯蒂格勒指出,过去二十多年里,数字化革命已经利用网络技术对人类生活的各个方面实现了普遍形式化,这在极大改变人们的生活方式和思想观念的同时,也隐藏着巨大的潜在威胁。尤其是2013年爆出的“斯诺登事件”,彻底暴露了网络巨头和黑客分子对私人数据和个人隐私的安全威胁,人们的一切网络行为都被置于赤裸状态,从而引发了人们对网络技术本身的忧虑和质疑。而这正是斯蒂格勒意在表明的网络技术在药理学意义上的毒性效应。对于这一概念的具体阐释,请参见斯蒂格勒于2013年9月所做的专题讲座实录:http: //reseaux. blog. lemonde. fr/2013/09/29/blues-net-ber-nard-stiegler/(法文版)和 http: //www.  samkinsley. com/2013/11/21/bernard-stiegler-the-net-blues/(英文版)


The hyper-industrial societies that have grown out of the ruins of the industrial democracies constitute the third stage of completed proletarianization: in the nineteenth century, we saw the loss of savoir-faire, and the loss of savoir-vivre in the twentieth. In the twenty-first century, we are witnessing the dawn of the age of the loss of savoirs théoriques, of theoretical knowledge—as if the cause of our being stunned was an absolutely unthinkable development.


With the total automatization made possible by digital technology, theories, those most sublime fruits of idealization and identification, are deemed obsolete—and along with them, scientific method itself. So at least we are told by Chris Anderson, in The End of Theory: The Data Deluge Makes the Scientific Method Obsolete.



Founded on the self-and-auto-production of digital traces, and dominated by automatisms that exploit these traces, hyper-industrial societies are undergoing the proletarianization of theoretical knowledge, just as broadcasting analogue traces via television resulted in the proletarianization of savoir-vivre, and just as the submission of the body of the labourer to mechanical traces inscribed in machines resulted in the proletarianization of savoir-faire.


Just like the written traces in which Socrates already saw the threat of proletarianization that any exteriorisation of knowledge brings with it—the apparent paradox being that the constitution of knowledge depends on the exteriorisation of knowledge—so too digital, analogue and mechanical traces are what I call tertiary retentions, and I will explain later these terms.


When Gilles Deleuze referred to what he called “control societies,” he was already heralding the arrival of the hyper-industrial age. The destructive capture of attention and desire is what occurs in and through those control societies that Deleuze described in terms of the non-coercive modulation exercised by television on consumers at the end of the twentieth century. These societies of control appear at the end of the consumerist epoch, and what they do is to make way for the transition to the hyper-industrial epoch.


In the automated society of which Deleuze could hardly have been aware, but which he and Félix Guattari anticipated (in particular when they referred to dividuals) , control undertakes the mechanical liquidation of discernment, from the Greek to krinon—from krinein, a verb that has the same root as krisis, decision. Discernment, which Kant called understanding (Verstand), has been automated and automatized as analytical power that has been delegated to algorithms, algorithms that convey formalized instructions through sensors and actuators but outside of any intuition in the Kantian sense, that is, outside of any experience (this being the situation that occupies Chris Anderson).


Eight years after the collapse of 2008, it is still not clear how best to characterize this event: crisis, mutation, metamorphosis? All these terms are metaphors—they still fall short of actual thinking.


Krisis, which has a long history—in Hippocrates it refers to a decisive turning point in the course of an illness—is also the origin of all critique, of all decision exercised by to krinon as the power to judge on the basis of critera.


Mutation is understood today primarily in relation to biology—even if, in French, to be “mute” generally refers in everyday life to being transferred to another posting.


Metamorphosis is a zoological term that comes from the Greek—by way of Ovid.



Seven years after this event, it seems that the proletarianization of minds, and more precisely, the proletarianization of the noetic faculties of theorization and in this sense of scientific, moral, aesthetic and political deliberation—combined with the proletarianization of sensibility and affect in the twentieth century, and with the proletarianization of the gestures of the worker in the nineteenth century—is both the trigger for and the result of this continuing “crisis.” As a result, no decisions are taken, nor do we arrive at any turning point, any “bifurcation” for speaking with Deleuze’s words, that is a negentropic event as we will see later. Whereas, all of the toxic aspects that lie at the origins of this crisis continue to be consolidated.


When a triggering factor is also an outcome, we find ourselves in a spiral. This spiral can be very fruitful and worthwhile, or it can enclose us—absent new criteria—in a vicious circle that we describe as a “downward spiral”, a “spirale du pire”, that takes us from bad to worse.


The post-larval state in which we have left the crisis of 2008 means we should refer to it in terms of metamorphosis (rather than mutation, what is going on here is not biological, even if biology comes into play via biotechnology, and, in certain respects, in a quasi-proletarianized way). This does not mean that there is no krisis, or that we need not take account of the critical labour for which it calls. It means that THIS CRITICAL LABOUR IS PRECISELY WHAT THIS METAMORPHOSIS SEEMS TO RENDER IMPOSSIBLE, thanks precisely to the fact that it consists above all in the proletarianization of theoretical knowledge, which is critical knowledge. It is for this reason that I propose understanding the enduring nature of this crisis on the basis of the metaphor of the chrysalis.


The stupefying situation in which the current experience of automatic society consists establishes a new mental context (stupefaction) within which systemic stupidity undoubtedly proliferates (as functional stupidity, drive-based capitalism, and industrial populism), but which can also be viewed in relation to a NEW CONCERN—which, if it is not turned into panic, and instead becomes a fertile skepsis, could turn out to be the beginning of a new understanding of the situation—and the genesis of new criteria, or categories: this is the question of what I call categorial invention. And it is also the question of new apprehension of the questions of bifurcation, that is of negentropic events into the Anthropocene apprehend as an entropocene.



This new understanding or intelligence would be that which, inverting the toxic logic of the pharmakon, would give rise to a new hyper-industrial age constituting an automatic society founded on de-proletarianization, that is, on negentropy—and which would provide an exit from the chrysalis of noetic hymenoptera—based on the valorisation of positive externalities and capacities (in Amartya Sen’s sense), that is, on a contributive economy of pollination.


French Wikipedia entry on hymenoptera: “The order hymenoptera includes herbivores, pollinators, and a wide range of entomophagous insects that play a central role in maintaining natural equilibrium. The entomophagous insects comprise the majority of parasitoids (43% of hymenoptera species that have been described) but also predators. The actual number of hymenoptera is estimated at somewhere between one and three million species, divided into a hundred families. Many species have not yet been described, or even discovered.”




The proletarianization of the gestures of work amounts to the proletarianization of the conditions of the worker's subsistence.


The proletarianization of sensibility, of sensory life, and the proletarianization of social relations, all of which being replaced by conditioning, amounts to the proletarianization of the conditions of the citizen’s ex-sistence.



The proletarianization of minds or spirits, that is, of the noetic faculties enabling theorization and deliberation, is the proletarianization of the conditions of scientific consistence (including the human and social sciences).





In the hyper-industrial stage, hyper-control is established through a process of generalized automatization. It thus represents a step beyond the control-through-modulation discovered and analyzed by Deleuze. Now, the noetic faculties of theorization and deliberation are short-circuited by the current operator of proletarianization, which is digital tertiary retention, or mnemotechnical artefact—just as analogue tertiary retention was in the twentieth century the operator of the proletarianization of savoir-vivre, and just as mechanical tertiary retention was in the nineteenth century the operator of the proletarianization of savoir-faire.


By artificially retaining something through the material and spatial copying of a mnesic and temporal element, tertiary retention modifies the relations between the psychic retentions of perception that Husserl referred to asprimary retentions, and the psychic retentions of memory that he called secondary retentions.


What is called “reason”, and more generally, what is called thinking is a form of attention, and that attention is itself an arrangement operating between what Husserl referred to as retentions (R, memories) and protentions (P, expectations), via the intermediary of technical retentions, that is, mnemotechnics, which I call tertiary retentions (this is not Husserl’s views of course, except in his Origin of geometry): alphabetical writing, like digital writing, is a type of tertiary retention. Attentional forms, which constitute ways of thinking, are arrangements of retentions and protentions made possible by mnemotechnical forms of memorization.

A=R3 (R/P)


Thinking, in all its forms, is a temporal fabric of what Husserl called primary and secondary retentions and protentions. A temporal flux or flow, such as a speech that you might listen to, as in fact you are doing at this very moment, can only constitute itself as such because it is an aggregation of what Husserl called primary retentions. In the course of this speech that I am delivering before you, and that you seem to be listening to, you retain in a “primary” way each of the elements that are presented. “Primary” here means that each element that presents itself in each instant aggregates itself to the element that follows it in the next instant, and is retained in it, with which it forms the “now” of the temporal flow—hence phonemes that aggregate to form a word, words that aggregate to form a sentence, sentences that aggregate to form a paragraph, and so on—so that a unity of meaning is formed. These aggregations that accumulate one upon the other form what Husserl called primary retentions.


These primary retentions are, however, selections—they are retained only on the basis of retentional criteria, criteria that are formed in the course of my prior experience. And my experience is, precisely, an accumulation of secondary retentions, which are former primary retentions that subsequently become past, and which constitute the stuff of my memory.