斯蒂格勒 | 自动化社会的诸多问题
Introductions to the Questions
of the Automatic Society
贝尔纳·斯蒂格勒 著
张福公 译
During this seminar, we will try to read, think and interpret Marx and Heidegger in the same movement of thinking.
It is the question of exosomatisation that will lead this double reading and questioning—exosomatisation being what one calls more generally technics. But thus considered, as exosomatisation, technics appears as a stage of organogenesis that the evolution of life is. In such a view, technics is not the opposite of life, but its evolution, a continuation of life by other means than life.
A living being is an organism, as it was said by Lamarck, and the evolution of these organisms is an organogenesis. Hominisation, which begins between two and three million years ago, is also the beginning of an exosomatisation where the human body begins to produce exosomatic organs, that are artificial organs—non-organic organs—I call also organological organs.
This is what is generally called technics. Now, if we agree to say that every thing that is the product of such an exosomatisation, of such an ex-teriorisation, or ex-ternalisation, is technical, then, we must say that language, as it is a social production, belongs to exosomatisation, and in this sense, belongs to technics.
Technics is what I try to think with the concepts of what I call:
1. general organology and
2. pharmacology.
1. 为了说明负熵,我们必须首先理解什么是熵;
2. 我们必须考察一下有序的无机物组织是否打开了某种不同于熵和负熵的东西的可能性。
As a stage of evolution, as the pursuit of the organogenesis, and, in this sense, as the continuation of the life—an organisation of matter as organic matter—by an organization of matter as organised inorganic matter, technics necessarily belongs to this process that is called, since Erwin Schrodinger, the negative entropy, or negentropy. Now,
1. to think negentropy, we must first understand what is entropy.
2. We must check whether organised inorganic matter opens the possibility of something that is different from entropy as well as negentropy.
Here it is very important to notice that, contrary to Heidegger, Marx couldn't know the concept of negentropy. Now, even if Engels will talk about entropy in his Dialectics of nature, he will not really take its novelty into account. As to Heidegger, Heidegger will never consider entropy and negentropyin his thought of being and becoming.
The goal of this seminar is to rethink political economy, a new critic of political economy, in the context of what one calls the Anthropocene—a huge and fast increasing of the rate of entropy in the biosphere—and in the perspective of what I will call the Neganthropocene.
The goal is to reach such a concept through a new reading of Marx and Heidegger under the light of the questions opened by entropy and negentropy in the sphere of the exosomatic form of life that is ours—as humankind living on the earth and in the era of Anthropocene, that is, also, in the disruption, which is the age of the concretisation of Heidegger called the Gestell.
Anthropocene is a geological era, that appeared two hundred and fifty years ago, with industrialisation and capitalism, this being also a new stage in the history of exosomatisation.
l will try to show you why and how this era can and must be overcome.
As a huge, systemic and extremely fast process of increasing of entropy, the Anthropocene necessarily leads to the destruction of all kind of life, and first, of the human life. Besides, as the digital disruption that is currently destroying all kinds of social systems, in the sense of Bertrand Gille and Niklas Luhmann, replacing them by technologies of hypercontrol, that is called algorithmic governmentality, the end of the Anthropocene is also the attempt to impose a new ideology, that is called transhumanism.
Transhumanism is a discourse concerning a new stage of exosomatisation, that is also a new kind of endosomatisation, using for example neurotechnologies for transforming the interior of the brain from the exterior—I will come back to this topic later. Transhumanism is not only an ideology, but also a new kind of marketing, that has its own university, called the university of the Singularity, that want to make the market the unique source of criteria for this evolution that exosomatisation is.
Overcoming the Anthropocene is to oppose to such an ideology, to such a marketing, and then to such a market of exosomatisation, a revolutionary movement in economy, that I call the advent of Neganthropocene.
And I will try to show you that it is possible and necessary to interpret Heidegger's concepts of Gestell and Ereignis as exosomatization in the Anthropocene and Ereignis as Neganthropocene.
Neganthropocene is a new understanding of what is economy. In such an economy, the primordial value is negentropy—the organisation as it is based on the increasing of diversity-biodiversity as well as no diversity, that is, as knowledge. Knowledge is indeed, at least, negentropic. But we will see that we could say that knowledge is neguanthropic and not only neguentropy.
Marx and Engels were the first thinkers of exosomatisation, this is what is described in The German Ideology, and we of course will go back to this text in the next courses. Now, exosomatisation, as a continuation of the organogenesis, that is of life, and then, of neguentropy, is not organic, but organologic, and this means that the artificial organs that are produced by and as exosomatisation are both negentropic and entropic.
1. 从负熵——正如负人类———即外在化的角度重新诠释马克思何以可能?
2. 正如人造器官也是熵的一样——有时它也被称为人类活动,从人造器官的两面性所引出的药理学问题角度,重新诠释马克思何以可能?
This double-sided structure of the exosomatic organs means that these organs are pharmaka , as it is said in ancient Greece by Socrates. And here appear to us two questions.
How is it possible to reinterpret Marx,
1. under the light of negentropy—even as neguanthropy—that is the exosomatisation?
2. as the pharmacological question posed by the double-sided of artificial organs as they are also entropic—and that is sometimes also called anthropisation?
We will go to the chapter on machines and automation in the Grundrisse to situate those questions in our context of integral and generalized automation that is currently rising. And l will talk now about this context, in order to introduce the historical and geschichtlich situation in which we must read Marx today.
All of this will lead us to read Heidegger in a new light.
Hurrying at the last moment to finish the preparations for this seminar, I have decided to slightly rearrange its schedule—to be specific, I have decided to change the order of the opening sessions, and to begin with a description of the main features of the context within which I propose the topics that will here be addressed—with the aim of introducing my audience to a specific proposal: to undertake the transdisciplinary work that is required as a result of those technological mutations brought about by the Anthropocene, the industrial revolution, and capitalism.
1. 心理的层面,即有机器官的体内的层面;
2. 人造的层面,即器官学意义上的器官的体外的层面;
3. 社会的层面,即机构组织或团体的组织性的层面。
This proposal is for what I call a general organology, itself understood as a theoretical platform specifying the terms of an agreement between the disciplines in every field of knowledge. This platform defines the rules for analysing, thinking and prescribing human facts at three parallel but in dissociable levels:
1. the psychosomatic, which is the endosomatic level of organic organs;
2. the artifactual, which is the exosomatic level of organological organs;
3. the social, which is the organisational level of institutional organisms or of corporations.
Hence this involves an analysis of the relations between organic organs, technical organs and social organizations given that our point of departure consists in the claim that a human psychosomatic organ always exists in a relationship with artificial organs, and that this relationship is always prescribed by social organisations, where the latter are themselves overdetermined by those same artificial organs and their arrangement with human psychosomatic organs.
I must add here—and I will of course develop this in the coming sessions—that it is always possible for the arrangements between these psychosomatic and artifactual organs to become toxic and destructive for the organic organs, and hence also for the body within which they dwell. In other words, a general organology is a pharmacology.
This having been said, and before explaining these points any further, let's engage ourselves with a specification of our current context, as humans who belong to an era that since Crutzen has been referred to as the Anthropocene.
l argued ten years ago that we have entered the hyper-industrial age, that ours is an epoch of great symbolic misery, and that this leads to the structural destruction of desire, that is, it ruins the libidinal economy speculative marketing, having become hegemonic, systematically exploits the drives, which are divested of every attachment.
Symbolic misery derives from what, with Nicolas Donin, we call the mechanical turn of sensibility, that is an organological change, which places the sensory life of the individual under the permanent control of the mass media.
The causes of symbolic misery and the destruction of de-sire are both economic and organological—it is a matter both of the consumerist model, and of those instruments that capture and harness consumer attention, implemented by the culture industries and the mass media at the beginning of the twentieth century. These instruments, controlled by marketing, bypass and short-circuit the savoir-vivre of consumers, their knowledge of how to live.
Consumers are thereby proletarianized, just as producers had been proletarianized in the nineteenth century by instruments that short-circuited their savoir-faire, their knowledge of how to make and do, this being fully accomplished at the beginning of the twentieth century.
1. 注意力是通过教育,通过认同(这是在弗洛伊德意义上而言的第一认同和第二认同)过程而塑造的,关于如何生活的知识占据着代际关系的核心,而构成这种代际关系的教育是精致而复杂的;
2. 养育子女就是以独特的方式传递一种关于如何生活的知识,然后子女会接着将这种教育以独特的方式传递给他或她的伙伴、朋友、家庭以及无论远近的同辈人;
3. 通过教育的一切途径——包括教学——所塑造的东西正是工业性的捕获注意力所系统性地改变的东西。
In production as well as in consumption, this industrial capture of attention also deforms this attention.
1. Attention is formed through education, via processes of identification (in the sense of Freud, that is, as primary and secondary identifications), an education which constitutes intergenerational relations at the core of which the knowledge of how to live is elaborated.
2. To raise a child is to singularly transmit a savoir-vivre, which they will singularly transmit in their turn—to his or her comrades, friends, family and peers, both near and distant.
3. What is formed through all the pathways of education—including teaching—is that which the industrial capture of attention systematically de-forms.
The economy of desire is formed through processes of identification and transindividuation, woven in the course of intergenerational relations as the set of capacities to bind the drives by diverting their aims towards social investments. The industrial deformation and diversion of attention short-circuits and bypasses these processes of identification and transindividuation. As such, the symbolic misery imposed by consumer capitalism, which amounts to de-symbolization, leads inevitably to the destruction of the libidinal economy.
During the second half of the twentieth century, there was a continual decrease of the age at which attention was captured in an industrial way: in the sixties, juvenile “available brain time” constituted the prime target of the audiovisual mass media, but by the end of the century, it was infantile brain time that was being targeted and diverted from its affective and social environment, via all manner of programs and specialized channels—like “Baby First”, a channel belonging to Fox TV.
The object of desire is desired to the point of inverting the goals of the drives that support it, but this is so only because it does more than just exist: it consists, and as such, it infinitizes itself, that is, it exceeds all calculation. To desire is to invest in an object, and to experience its consistence, and hence, to destroy desire is to liquidate all attachment and all fidelity, that is, all confidence-without which no economy is possible—and ultimately, it is to liquidate all belief, and therefore, all credit.
The object of desire gives rise to a spontaneous belief in life that presents itself through this object as its extraordinary power. All love is phantasmal in the sense that it gives life to that which is not—to that which is ordinarily not. But because the fantasy of love, and of what Abdelkebir Khatibi called “aimance” (translated in English as “lovence”), is that which grants to civilizations their most durable forms, the literally fantastic sentiment in which love consists is the incarnation of a knowledge of the extra-ordinariness of life that constantly surpasses life-whereby life invents by going beyond life, and as the pursuit of life by means other than life, through the incessant and ever-increasing profusion and evolution of artifices.
This is how I have interpreted the movement of exteriorisation—of exosomatisation—described by the anthropologist Andre Leroi-Gourhan in order to analyse the process of hominization as an invention of life by means other than life-as a technological, organological and pharmacological evolution that constitutes the human problem of life on earth, and the responsibility that we have not to evade this problem, which is constantly being remade by technical invention.
Love, as we all know, is strictly speaking the experience of artifice. It is essential to fetishize the one we love, and when we stop loving them, we are confronted with the artificiality of the amorous situation, as we are brought brutally back to the ordinariness of quotidian life.
Two or three million years ago, life began to pass through the non-living artifice—there first appears what Aristotle referred to as the noetic soul, that is, the soul that loves (as we learn from Diotima in Plato's Symposium).
The non-living artifice conserves for life a trace of what, in the biological economy that Simondon called vital individuation, would previously have been lost forever in death. The inventive power of life that amazed Gilles Clement thus becomes what Paul Valéry described as the life of the mind (or spirit)—which, with modernity and capitalism itself, becomes the political economy of spirit, founded on industrial technology that has today become essential to an industry of traces.
The proletarianization of consumers, their de-symbolization, their dis-identification and their confinement within drive-based misery, subjects all singularities to the calculability that turns the contemporary world into a desert in which one feels, paradoxically and increasingly, that as industry innovates more and more, it somehow turns out that life is being invented less and less—a situation that takes to the extreme what Paul Valéry described in 1939 as the fall in “spirit value.”
The decline of the state, and the hegemony of strategic marketing and financialization, were imposed throughout the entire world, and in every part of society, beginning in the nineteen eighties. Along with these changes came drive-based misery and disinvestment, ruining desire and introducing forms of disbelief, miscreance and discredit that continue to afflict every form of authority, every institution and every business, eventually leading to the insolvency that the collapse of 2008 exposed for all to see.
The current and much more recent hegemony of the industry of traces tries to take control of the drives, through automation and automatisms founded on social networks. The drives are, however, ultimately uncontrollable, and hence to try and channel the drives in this way, by mathematical algorithms to exert an automated form of social control, will in the end do nothing but carry the drives to an extremely dangerous level, by dis-integrating them, turning them into what Felix Guattari and Gilles Deleuze called “dividuals”—and I will go back to this topic later.